Nathalie Barsoumian une amie, une collègue, une conseillère, une formatrice, source de connaissance, d’inspiration et de créativité… Travailler avec elle c’était un plaisir: D’apprendre, de rester en mode ACTION, de chercher plus loin, oser sortir du commun, garder une énergie
I approached Nathalie for advice to help me deal with my daughter when she was at preschool. The advice was effective and nurtured positivity. The sessions were engaging and focused; Nathalie was always approachable and gave me practical tools/methods for
With knowledge, experience, persistence, and efficiency, Nathalie covers many aspects related to education/childhood and several questions you may ask or even think of. She responds with facts and provides tools and tricks. She is an amazing educational consultant who thought
Working with you was and still is the best thing that could happen to me.
First as a coordinator, you were always there for me, supporting me through my ups and downs, pushing me to do my best, giving new ideas,